Writing software, and creating things is kind of like being Frankenstein. Sometimes you can spend hours on the smallest of problems, and when it’s fixed all you want to do is laugh maniacally. “It’s ALIVE!” I’ll scream at the top of my lungs as I throw two birds into the air. Meanwhile my co-workers are looking at me like I’m crazy. That’s what the adventure of creating this blog was like. It wasn’t very difficult. I’ve overcome much harder challenges at work, but there were some things that I would have hoped WordPress would have done intuitively. It didn’t though. Software is only as smart as its creator. While WordPress is a very good platform and I enjoy using it… sometimes, there are just some things it cannot handle. Then you have to install plugins, configure them, create more things, and pray to GOD that it works with the theme you chose. If it doesn’t… well… you’re f’cked. Unless you’re like me. Then you just modify the theme and make it work. That opens up the door to a whole new headache though. Especially because I did so much customization on this theme. Take a look here to see the theme in its’ default configuration.   That’s how much work I’ve done on the theme.  I think the only color I kept the same was that cool blue color.  It looks nice, and I like the way the fades in and out when you hover over the buttons and certain links.  It’s pretty sweet.  All in all I’m pretty proud of what I accomplished.  It only took me about a day to build it.  if you add up all the time I spent it would be less than 24 hours.  Now, I’m at the point where I can start creating content.  If only I knew what kind of content I should create……
