Thanks yous

After building this website I wanted to make sure I give a few shoutouts to some pretty awesome people that helped me along the way.  So without further adieu, here goes:

  • My Family: Thank you very much for inspiring me to be a better person.  My wonderful friends who are also part of this group, (you would know if you were) I thank you as well.  I am very appreciative of having you in my life.
  • WordPress: Thank you for building a pretty cool CMS platform.  Although I have my gripes and complaints, being able to build a pretty solid website in about a day is freakin’ awesome.  Thanks for building such awesome, free tools
  • ThemeGrill: Thank you for building a pretty sweet theme.  Though I had to make quite a few CSS changes to make sure everything looked the way I wanted, that’s pretty much all I had to do.  Your attribution will forever be in my footer.
  • Ninja Forms: Awesome plugin dudes.  Really easy to setup.  Love the UI, and everything anyone could need to build pretty easy contact forms.  Great work.  Keep it up.
  • Under Construction Page: Another Awesome plugin.  Did everything I needed it to.  The free version was easy to setup in just a few minutes, and had plenty of features to satisfy me while I setup my blog.
  • Chad Butler: your WP-Members plugin was exactly what I needed to remove those gaudy WordPress login/register pages.  (Sorry WordPress, but you should make it easier to customize and brand the login pages….)  The other features of the plugin are great too.  Love it.
  • Mail Bank: Thank you for fixing the problems with the WordPress mail sender… (again, sorry WordPress, but really… just implement some features that let us set an SMTP server and stuff… really… c’mon…).  Something you really should not have had to do, but you solved the same problems for several thousands of people across the WWW.  So you deserve some kudos.

Uhm… I think that’s all.  If you think you deserve some respect, some attribution, some…. something.  And I have not given you an attribution.  Please Contact Me and let me know.  I’ll be happy to rectify any issues.  (Also my Hosting Provider has strict rules about copyright infringement, so… yeah… please, just Contact Me first….  We can get it sorted.)

Thanks yous