
I do believe in God.  I don’t believe in fate or predestination.  One thing that has always bugged me is that if God is omnipotent, why do bad things happen to good people?  I know the answer to this question.  Simply put, he can’t intervene.  To intervene takes away free will.  However, if fate or predestination existed then this would also take away free will.  So I believe that the preference is put on free will.  Therefore, fate and predestination cannot exist.  There is no ‘meant to be’.  There are no guarantees.  Life is what you make of it.  Since people have free will, then bad people do bad things to good people.  We’re given the choice to be good or be bad.  Most of us walk a fine line between the two, but there are also people that take either one to extremes.  I prefer the fine line.  I think it’s the best place to be.
