This post is about my appreciation, my admiration, and my love for black people and their culture. I want to make this very clear to the beginning. If you disagree with this in any way, you can go straight to hell and eat a bag full of d’cks. I will not tolerate negative comments or feedback on this post. If I get it, I will immediately assume you are a bigot and a racist. For clarifications sake right now; I am white. My heritage is Scottish, German, and English… mostly…. I am white as white can be, but boy can I hold some liquor… that’s a story for another day.
First off, I want to say Happy February. As we all know it is Black History Month. This is a time to celebrate black people, and the wonderful things that they have done for humanity. I also want to say that I know I cannot understand. There is no way for me to fathom what it is like to be a black person in America. I’ve grown up with white privilege and don’t have any way of knowing the hardships you go through. I appreciate that the people of color I have encountered in my life have all be friendly, supportive, and kind despite it all.
I don’t want this to sound like a typical wipipo post about black history month. I don’t want it to sound like I’m unsympathetic to the plight of blacks in America. I am hoping that everyone who reads this understands that I love all of humanity, regardless of the color of their skin. My hope is that we can all learn to work together, to love one another, to achieve true unity. But that hope may be lost in the semantics.