Nate’s World Famous (I Wish) Cheese-cup-cakes

Many people have tasted my cheesecake, and many people say it’s awesome.  This is the recipe I use.  The recipe for the crust is very much estimated.  You may end up with extra crust mix…  I do, however, know the right proportions.  I know the recipe below is not quite a normal recipe.  It takes a bit of learning to make these just right, and I use some of my own terminology.  So… here it is.. published online for all to see and use and make and enjoy.  My Cheese-cup-cakes.

There’s a golden ratio to all of this recipe.  For all of it you will want to follow these rules:

Filling: 1 8oz block of cream cheese =  1/4 cup sugar = 1 egg + splash of vanilla ( I honestly don’t know how much vanilla I use… it’s like an eighth of a teaspoon or something like that)
Crust: 1 cup graham cracker crumbs = 1/2 cup sugar = 1 tsp cinnamon = 5 Tbsp butter


  • 3 cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
  • 1 1/2 Cups Sugar
  • 3 Tsp Cinnamon
  • 15 Tbsp Butter

Mix the graham cracker crumbs, cinnamon, and sugar in a bowl.  Make sure they are well mixed.  Melt the butter and pour it into the bowl with the cinnamon, crumbs and sugar.  Mix well until the crust clumps together.  Take two cupcake pans, the kind that make 12 cakes per pan, and line them with papers.  Put a heaping Tbsp of the crust mixture into each liner and press it down with your fingers.  Set aside.


  • 4 8oz blocks of Cream Cheese (Philadelphia brand is all I ever use, generic brand will get all clumpy and weird..)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

Soften the cream cheese first, that will make it easier to blend.  In a large mixing bowl put all of the cream cheese and all 4 eggs, then mix with a hand mixer on medium speed until well blended.  Lower the hand mixer to low speed and while mixing on low, slowly pour in the sugar.  It is important that the mixer is on low, and that you add the sugar slowly, about a quarter of a cup at a time.  Once the sugar is blended in you can increase the mixer speed to high speed.  Continue mixing until the mixture folds over like silk.  It’s hard to say in words what this should look like, but you should know it when you see it.  The cheese mixture should be free of lumps.  (This is why I use Philadelphia brand cream cheese…  every other brand I’ve tried always ends up lumpy)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Take the cupcake pans and spoon about 2 Tbsp of the cheese filling mixture into each of the cupcakes.  Don’t worry about spreading them smooth, if you made the filling right it will settle as they cook.  Place the pans in the oven and cook for 8 – 12 minutes.  As they cook you will see the filling  bubble up, when it looks like it is a bubble about ready to burst, they are ready.  Pull them out of the oven and let them cool on the stove-top for 15 – 20 minutes.  Transfer them to a flat cookie sheet and put them in the refrigerator to cool for another 2+ hours.

Nate’s World Famous (I Wish) Cheese-cup-cakes